NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.

Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers NCR DAY 2018


Antoon Bosch

February 8, 9:55 – 10:35

Toon Bosch Phd. (1953) studied History at Radboud University Nijmegen; earned his Phd at the Delft University of Technology (2000). Since 1988 he has been working at the Department of Humanities and Law of the Dutch Open University as an Associate Professor in History. He teaches on State and Nation Formation and Nationalism; Disaster History; and Dutch History. His research focuses on assistance and learning processes during catastrophic floods along the Rhine and Meuse since the 18th century; the rise and development of central state water management in the Netherlands, interactions between Dutch, German and French river management (1750-present) and local history of Nijmegen and surroundings.

Recent publictions: Toon Bosch en Willem van de Ham, Twee Eeuwen Rijkswaterstaat (Two Centuries Rijkwaterstaat: 1798-2014) (Third edition 2015); Toon Bosch, Dutch Water Management in an era of Revolution, Restauration and the advance of Liberalism, 1795-1850, p. 11-49 in: Two Centuries of Experience in Water Resources Management. A Dutch – US Retrospective, (Alexandria (VA) 2014).

Ties Rijcken

February 8, 13:45 – 14:25

Ties Rijcken is probably the only water professional in the world with a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering, MSc in Industrial Design and Propaedeutics in Geophysics (if not, let him know; he would love to meet his counterpart!). He considers himself an independent innovator, scholar, publicist and landscape photographer, fascinated by systems thinking, participatory design, landscape quality and by Wabi, a perspective on the interaction between nature and technology he derived from a Japanese design philosophy.

As award-winning innovator, he designed the internet platform Flows, the board game Settlers of Catan Dikes&Polders, the megaplan Rhine Estuary Closeable but Open, a universal floating foundation system and a balancing system for floating homes. As a publicist he wrote over 80 papers, essays and columns. As a landscape photographer he published a book, a few articles and won two awards. He is a member of the Landscape Quality Team for the Lek dike enforcements and editor-in-chief of TU Delft DeltaLinks, a digital magazine about delta development.

At the NCR Days 2018 he will talk about Wabi, his theory on “Maslow’s hierarchy for water infrastructure development” and about representing river systems with the internet platform Flows.

Paul Kinzel

February 9, 09:10 – 09:50

Paul Kinzel is a hydrologist with the United States Geological Survey’s Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory located in Golden, Colorado, USA.
He has worked for the USGS for over 20 years on research projects related to flow, sediment transport, and aquatic habitat in rivers. These projects include investigating the effects of flow releases on sediment transport in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and modeling flow and sediment transport to support habitat enhancement activities for endangered and threatened species along the Platte River, Nebraska and Detroit River, Michigan.

In addition, he has collaborated with academic institutions from several countries on river related research projects. Paul has assisted with dye tracing experiments to improve models for pollutant dispersal with Seoul National University, Korea, collected hydrographic surveys and discharge measurements to support modeling the Magdalena River with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, and mapped the bathymetry of the Hong and Luoc Rivers to examine the dynamics of delta distributary channels with the Institute of Water Resources Planning in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Over the last two years, he has worked on a team to evaluate techniques and develop methodologies for measuring river discharge remotely. This project has involved using thermal infrared imagery to measure water-surface velocity and hyperspectral imaging and bathymetric lidar for mapping channel bathymetry.

Paul Kinzel holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Ivo ten Broeke

February 9, 14:00 – 14:40

Graduated as civil engineer at TH Delft in 1985, Ivo ten Broeke served in the Royal Netherlands Airforce as Infrastructure officer. Since 1986 he is employed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works as advisor on inland navigation infrastructure. During his career, he headed the department of navigation in the Transport Research Centre and the department of safety of Goods Transport. From 2005 onward, Ivo ten Broeke is Rhinecommissioner at the CCNR (Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine) and programme manager for the implementation of River Information Services.