NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
PhD Vacancies @ UTwente
Interested in studies concerning the downstream part of the river continuum? The University of Twente is looking for two PhD candidates for the following projects:
1. PhD-position Understanding swash zone sand dynamics using flume experiments
The prospective candidate will work in the project “Shaping the beach: cross-shore sand transport in the swash zone”. This project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). More information2. PhD-position Airflow patterns over urbanised beaches
An element that has been overlooked so far in current ‘building-with-nature’ approaches to protect urbanized coastlines, is the interaction of sediment flows with the built environment at the land-sea interface, creating new conditions for both sediment dynamics and urban settlement. The main task for the PhD-project is to characterize and understand airflow patterns induced by various lay-outs of built environment in front of and/or on top of coastal dunes, especially in the region where the airflow affects the sediment transport. More information More updates
Posted On
24 May 2018