NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
The SAFElevee project (led by Delft University of Technology) enhances the safety of flood prone areas by improving the understanding of failure and breaching of levee systems.
The SAFElevee project (led by Delft University of Technology) enhances the safety of flood prone areas by improving the understanding of failure and breaching of levee systems. Systematic documentation and analyses of international levee performance data enables the development of accurate techniques for the innovative, and cost-effective designs of flood defence systems. Work packages in the project focus on macro-scale analysis of levee failure patterns, hindcasting of individual failures, and models for levee breach formation. A cooperative data and knowledge platform on levee performance will be created through the close involvement of end users from governmental bodies, research institutes and private sectors. Thereby, the SAFElevee partners foresee to strengthen their international network and position in the field of flood risk management and levee safety.
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Contact Details
General Info
Duration: from 2014 to 2019
Research positions: 3
STW-Water 2014