Information for refugees in The Netherlands
This page serves to provide information for refugees who:
- are physically in The Netherlands
- who studies or work in the field of river engineering, water management, or other topics related to the NCR
- who are looking for contacts to continue their work or studies during their stay in The Netherlands
For general information on asylum procedures please visit this website of the Dutch Government.
The ongoing invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.
If the above applies to you, get in touch with the NCR Secretary.
The UAF has been providing support to refugee students and professionals in their studies and in finding suitable employment on the Dutch labour market since 1948. We are convinced that anyone who can use their knowledge can make a meaningful contribution to Dutch society.
National fund for Ukraine students
NWO | Nederlandse kennisinstellingen bevriezen samenwerkingsverbanden met Rusland en Belarus
Radboud University
Situation in Ukraine – Radboud University (
(3) Scientists Support Ukraine (
Contact information
If the above applies to you, get in touch with the NCR Secretary.