The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology offers an outstanding opportunity for joining its newly created doctoral training unit (DTU) in hydrological sciences: ‘HYDRO-CSI: Towards a holistic understanding of river systems: Innovative methodologies for unraveling hydrological, chemical and biological interactions across multiple scales’. The offered fully paid PhD position is embedded in cluster (1) of the DTU and focuses on sediment transport. The position is envisaged to start between June 1st 2018 and December 1st 2018 and will extend over a maximum duration of 4 years. The PhD candidate will spend up to 50% of time at Wageningen University (NL) as part of the Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management group (Dr. V.F. Bense and Prof. A.J.F. Hoitink). Experiments are planned in the Kraijenhoff van de Leur Laboratory for Water and Sediment Dynamics in Wageningen.
Month: May 2018
PhD Vacancies @ UTwente
Interested in studies concerning the downstream part of the river continuum? The University of Twente is looking for two PhD candidates for the following projects:
1. PhD-position Understanding swash zone sand dynamics using flume experiments
The prospective candidate will work in the project “Shaping the beach: cross-shore sand transport in the swash zone”. This project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
2. PhD-position Airflow patterns over urbanised beaches
An element that has been overlooked so far in current ‘building-with-nature’ approaches to protect urbanized coastlines, is the interaction of sediment flows with the built environment at the land-sea interface, creating new conditions for both sediment dynamics and urban settlement. The main task for the PhD-project is to characterize and understand airflow patterns induced by various lay-outs of built environment in front of and/or on top of coastal dunes, especially in the region where the airflow affects the sediment transport.