NCR DAYS Call for Abstracts

The annual meeting of the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR), the NCR DAYS, will this year be organized by the University of Twente on 11 and 12 February 2021. The NCR-days will be held online for the first time in its history.

This year we will feature three inspiring keynote lectures, six oral presentation sessions, three very special poster sessions with plenty of interaction, and stimulating social sessions to meet your new and established peers.

For more information, click here

NCR & vEGU2021

From 19 – 30 April 2021, EGU will be hosting vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21), a fully virtual conference that aims at providing a similar experience to the annual General Assembly, normally held in Vienna. All sessions will be in the new EGU virtual PICO (vPICO) format, which offers the opportunity to address a truly worldwide and diverse audience.

For an overview of sessions organised by NCR partners, see this link. Are you organising a session? Mail us at to promote your session through NCR.